Customer Testimonials

boiler servicing

Expert plumbing repairs in Nottingham

Are you looking for assistance with plumbing repairs and plumbing installations?
Look no further as we can help.

What our satisfied customer say

Whether you are looking for assistance with hot water plumbing, wet room plumbing or gas central heating we are the team in Nottingham, you can turn to. With years of experience in this line of business, we can help you with it all. Call us today and discuss your requirements with our team of highly skilled heating engineers. Read more about what our happy customers have to say.
Contact us today
central heating repair

Top-quality service

"Came out and sorted out our nursery." 
- AnnaW-40
friendly plumber

Very helpful and friendly

"Chap who came out was punctual, friendly and very knowledgeable. Would highly recommend and cheap." 
- AnnaW-40
For reliable plumbing installations call Gas & Plumb Care in Nottingham
0115 978 6789

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